
Showing posts from February, 2018
Colonial Village G oa one of the most beautiful state of India, located among the western side of India and for below Maharashtra. Goa states which comes under control of centre government i.e. it’s one among the Union territories of India. Once under the rule of Portuguese Goa was taken away from them during 1961 period. A struggle by the local people was appreciable contribution at each level was seen during this struggle. of freedom. Freedom for liberation .But why do we discussing this the very reason comes in our mind is colonism few areas of Goa are still under the colonism influenced by the Portugal people how shocking 55years since liberation and still under colonism movement which bring up on a small scale rise to a conflict and thereby giving freedom to the state Mayem village were population of 30,000 has been declared by a evawee property owned by Portuguese who have settled down after liberation. The land belo...
M ining Mining one of the major sources of minerals utilized to produce various well furnished alloys required for various human purposes. Metals like Iron Ore, manganese, Zinc, Copper etc are supposed to various mechanical giats to produce metals alloys. On which the whole world is currently depend upon sector such as building, automobile etc which are mechanical sector. Mining is carried out in many states of India but we will focus on mining in Goa state specially North Goa were Bicholim district lies. Two essential metals found in this region are Manganese and Iron ore. Heavy industrial jiants like the Dempos and Chawghule have jumped up and started their excavation process from the post independent period i.e. since 1947. India Government which support the FDI(foreign direct Investment) have given a strong approval and support to the industries growing in this sector. And as a result we see expansion of mining industries in this ...